Hex Takeover
Hex Takeover
Desktop only
Hex Takeover
Hex Takeover
Hex Takeover
Desktop only

Hex Takeover



Hex Takeover is a turn-based strategy game featuring cute animals. The player can unlock a large level map filled with hidden treasures. The aim is to complete lots of strategy puzzles and unlock all of the map. The player can win each round of this board game by taking over more hexagonal tiles than any of the other characters.

How to play Hex Takeover?

Each player can choose to clone their character by stepping onto an adjacent tile, or jump two tiles without cloning. A jump will cover more distance, which can be useful at times, but jumping will also leave a gap in the player’s formation. A clever opponent might be able to use this to their advantage. By landing next to an opponent’s tiles, the player can flip them and take over those adjacent tiles.

Game developer

Game Worthy Studios

Release date

November 8, 2021

Use your mouse to play